Inspiration from Peter Scazzero
FRIENDS! In November 2021, I read Emotionally Healthy Spirituality. In it, author Peter Scazzero explores why he was feeling so spiritually bereft while engaged in an enormous amount of “work” for the Kingdom.
I have So. Much. To. Say. about this book. For today, I’m sticking to this insight: the Sabbath consists of doing what delights me in the Lord.
Could it be any more simple than that???
A Lifetime of Words
As you know, I can talk until I figure out what I’m going to say. No lie. Over the years, I’ve found outlet in the written word too, having penned countless essays and articles, each a reflection of my thoughts, experiences, and dreams. I’m archiving my body of work here at karikounkel.com. From heartfelt and sometime heartbreaking personal narratives to insightful blogs and much in da middle, this is where my words find a permanent home. It’s like my literary legacy. Dude. Literary legacy. For real.
As part of this archival project, I’ll be importing all my existing blogs and expanding them, giving you the full, unabridged versions and adding the pieces yet unpublished. No more cliffhangers or “to be continued”—I’m sharing the whole story, every time. To that end, the posts shared on my original blog, andsoirise.blogspot.com, are heading over here.
There’s more. I have some pending publications. Closest to release are Chasing Chickens: Through the Clucking Chaos and Peace! Be Still! I also have a couple mysterious projects and have already published the first granny-themed book, Granny Bubblz and the Ninja Babies. Spoiler alert: this is the most fun I’ve had in a long time!
In addition to my writing, I’ve recently dabbled in all kinds of artforms not dependent on word craft: painting, Zentangling, and other zany past experiments. Listen. I’m all about sharing my masterpieces and I hope they tickle your funny bone like they do mine. This new phase of creativity has been deeply influenced by my recovery journey and this notion of sabbath. I chase my sobriety relentlessly and spending up to ninety minutes a day is what honors the recovering introvert in me who longs to feel the breath of Holy Spirit. Also. I have a ton of epic fails. Humility is beautiful. So is joy.
Dive in, explore, and maybe you’ll find a piece of your own story within mine. This site is more than just an archive—it’s a living, breathing testimony.
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I’m setting up a subscription plan. Some things are free for the taking, right? Other things – the hurtingest things, the ugliest things, the scrumptious things – those things that reveal the most vulnerable pieces of me? For those, you need to subscribe. I want to know who reads my story. Fair enough?